
Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take


The plans to bring Carole & Tuesday into the limelight keep ending in failure.
Gus proposes a live concert, then pays an unannounced visit to an old acquaintance, the famous organizer Hefner. Meanwhile, Tao takes Angela to seek a 12 million woolong (1 woolong = 1 dollar) investment from the Hedge Fund King Schwartz, pressuring Angela to prove her songs are worth that much. Around that time, Roddy visits an independent live house called Mars Lounge and tries to negotiate a gig for the girls.


  • 脚本:赤尾でこ
  • 絵コンテ:岡本 学
  • 演出:野亦則行
  • 総作画監督:伊藤嘉之
  • 作画監督:堀川耕一ヤマダシンヤ
  • Screenplay : Deko Akao
  • Storyboards : Manabu Okamoto
  • Director : Noriyuki Nomata
  • Chief Animation Director : Yoshiyuki Ito
  • Animation Director : Koichi Horikawa, Shinya Yamada
#5「Every Breath You Take」(ザ・ポリス)
イギリスの3人組、ザ・ポリスの83年の代表曲で、邦題は「見つめていたい」。 作者スティングは嫉妬と監視の曲と言うが、美しいメロディと繊細なギター、エモーショナルな歌でラヴ・ソングの名曲として定着している。
#5「Every Breath You Take」(The Police)
A well-known song by The Police, a three-man British band. The author, Sting, described it as a song of jealousy and the surveillance that follows, but the beautiful melody, fine guitar work, and emotional impact of the song have established it as a famous love song.