コンポーザー解説 <第4弾> Composer introductions No.4


アリソン・ワンダーランドはオーストラリア出身の女性DJ/プロデューサー/シンガー。2012年頃からリミキサー、DJとして頭角を現し、14年にメジャー・デビューした。エレクトロ・ポップ、EDM、フューチャー・ベースなどを基本としながらも、内省的な世界をエモーショナルなヴォーカルで描き出す。"Run"(15年)、"Awake"(18年)の2枚のアルバムはいずれもビルボードのダンス・チャートで1位に。コーチェラなど数々の音楽フェスに出演し、EDC Japanなど来日公演も多い。


テイラー・マクファーリンはフライング・ロータス主宰のブレインフィーダー・レーベルに所属するブルックリン在住のプロデューサーで、超絶ジャズ・ヴォーカリスト、ボビー・マクファーリンの長男。デビュー作『Early Riser』(14年)では新世代ジャズのロバート・グラスパーやサンダーキャット、オーストラリアのシンガー、ネイ・パーム、父ボビーらを迎えて、ジャズやソウル、エレクトロニカが融合した独自のサウンドを展開した。現在はグラスパーらと結成したスーパー・グループ、R+R=NOWのメンバーでもある。

マディソン・マクファーリンはそんなテイラーの年の離れた妹。彼女は父ボビーのツアーにヴォーカリストとして帯同し、来日したこともある。バークリー音楽大学在学中に意気投合したエレクトロニカ系プロデューサーのARKTKT(アーキテクト)と連名でEPを制作した後、ソロ名義で "Finding Foundations" という3曲入りを2集まで出している。これは多重録音のアカペラ作品で、父親の芸風を継ぎながら、新たな世界を作り出そうという意欲作だ。

cero(セロ)は2004年に結成された東京のバンド。現在は3人編成。当初は雑多なポップ感覚を精緻なアンサンブルで作り込むようなグループとしてスタートした。セカンド・アルバム『My Lost City』(12年)の頃から“新世代シティ・ポップ”と呼ばれたが、徐々にその音楽性を進化させ、R&Bやジャズの影響が色濃いグルーヴで聞かせる方向性を突き詰めた『POLY LIFE MULTI SOUL』(18年)はオリコン・ウィークリーで4位を獲得した。ライヴも、アルバムより先鋭的と評価が高い。


梅林太郎は東京出身の作曲家/ピアニスト。原田知世のアルバム『eyja』(09年)及びツアーに参加するなど00年代後半から音楽家として活動を始めた。12年にはソロ・ユニット=milk名義でファースト・アルバム『greeting for the sleeping seeds』をリリース。渡辺信一郎監督作「スペース☆ダンディ」(14年)や、TVアニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」、映画『来る』など、サントラ制作にも多く参加している。

Text by 高橋修

The fourth group of composers providing music for CAROLE & TUESDAY, Shinichiro Watanabe’s latest project:

Alison Wonderland is an Australian-born DJ, producer, and singer. From around 2012, she began making a name for herself as a remixer and DJ, and in 2014, she made her major debut. While her music is based on electro pop, EDM, and future bass, her emotive vocals paint an introspective world. Her two albums, Run (2015) and Awake (2018), both reached the number one spot on Billboard’s dance charts. In addition to performing at numerous major music festivals like Coachella, she has visited Japan many times for events like EDC Japan.

Mark Redito is an electro artist and producer who was born in the Philippines but is now based in Los Angeles. His style of cute songs on pop tracks is similar to tofubeats, and in fact, the two of them often make remixes of each other’s work. In addition to his collaborations with artists as varied as Neon Bunny from Korea and Japanese/English bilingual band Kero Kero Bonito, he is known for his activities championing the rights of minorities.

Taylor McFerrin is a Brooklyn-based producer that belongs to the Brainfeeder label owned by Flying Lotus. He is also the eldest son of Bobby McFerrin, the popular jazz vocalist. His debut album, Early Riser (2014), is a unique blend of jazz, soul, and electronic music and features his father Bobby, Australian singer Nai Palm, and new generation jazz musicians like Robert Glasper and Thundercat. He is also currently a member of the supergroup R+R=NOW with Glasper.

Madison McFerrin is Taylor’s younger sister. She has accompanied her father on some of his tours and has also visited Japan. After producing an EP with ARKTKT, an electronic producer that she hit it off with while studying at Berklee College of Music, she went on to release two three-song collections titled Finding Foundations Vol I & II under a solo name. These are A cappella pieces created through multiple recordings, and while Taylor does draw on her father’s artistic style, this series is her own ambitious attempt to create something new.

Cero is a Tokyo-based band that was formed in 2004. It is currently composed of three members. In the beginning, they were a group that created complex pop sensations through elaborate ensembles. Their second album, My Lost City (2012), was described as next generation city pop. However, their music gradually evolved, and their 2018 album Poly Life Multi Soul, which was ranked fourth on Oricon Weekly, has a distinctive groove that is strongly influenced by R&B and jazz. Their live performances are even more radical and highly rated than their albums.

D.A.N. is also a three person Japanese band that is sometimes introduced as next generation city pop. They began activities in 2014. While their performances have a bass-musical groove and an alternative R&B sound, their Japanese lyrics and melodies are overflowing with Japanese feeling and emotion. Following their first highly acclaimed album D.A.N. (2016), their season album Sonatine was released in July 2018. They also hold live performances all over the world.

taro umebayashi is a Tokyo-born composer and pianist. He began his musical activities in the late 2000s, including participating in Tomoyo Harada’s album eyja (2019) and tours. In 2012, he made his solo debut under the name “milk” with the release of his first album greeting for the sleeping seeds. He has also contributed to the creation of many soundtracks, including those of Shinichiro Watanabe’s anime “Space Dandy” (2014), the TV anime “Yuri on Ice”, and the movie “It Comes”.

Composer Introduction by Osamu Takahashi