コンポーザー解説 <第3弾> Composer introductions No.3

フライング・ロータスは正真正銘、現在の音楽シーンのカギを握る最重要人物だ。彼は本名をスティーヴ・エリソンというプロデューサーで、83年にロサンゼルスで、お婆さんのお姉さんがアリス・コルトレーンという家系に生まれた。06年にビート・メイカーとしてデビュー。08年には自らのレーベル=ブレインフィーダーを立ち上げ、ヒップホップやテクノ、ジャズなどを包括するLAのビート・シーンを先導する存在となった。今のところの最新作『ユーアー・デッド!』にはラッパーのケンドリック・ラマーやハービー・ハンコックなども参加している。昨年8月には“ソニックマニア”出演のために来日し、3D映像と融合したDJステージを展開、そこでもゲームや『攻殻機動隊』サントラなどをプレイしたが、「カウボーイ・ビバップ」なども好きだったようで、渡辺信一郎監督の『ブレードランナー ブラックアウト2022』の音楽を監督からの要望で担当してもいる。


☆Taku Takahashiは日本のDJ、音楽プロデューサー。98年からm-floのトラック・メイカーとして活動、99年にメジャー・デビューしてからヒット曲を連発した。音楽プロデューサーとしても向井太一や加藤ミリヤ、MINMIなどを手がけ、最近では韓国のセクシー・グループ、EXIDの日本オリジナル曲もプロデュースした。また、アニメ「パンティ&ストッキングwithガーターベルト」などのサントラも担当しており、渡辺信一郎監督作では「スペース☆ダンディ」にも楽曲提供している。


Maika Loubté(マイカ ルブテ)は日本人の母とフランス人の父の間に生まれた女性シンガー・ソングライター/トラックメイカー/DJ。10代まで日本・パリ・香港で過ごし、14歳で作詞/作曲を始めた。小山田圭吾、鈴木慶一、菊地成孔などとの共演を経て、14年にアルバム・デビュー。ヴィンテージなアナログ・シンセから最新電子楽器までを駆使した宅録女子として独自の世界を作り上げている。CM音楽や劇中歌なども数多く手がける気鋭のクリエイターだ。

Text by 高橋修

The third group of composers providing music for CAROLE & TUESDAY, Shinichiro Watanabe’s latest project: Flying Lotus is a key figure in the contemporary music scene. He’s a music producer whose real name is Steven Ellison. The grand-nephew of jazz pianist Alice Coltrane, he was born in Los Angeles in 1983. In 2006, he debuted as a beat maker. In 2018, he launched his own record label, Brainfeeder, and became a leading figure in the LA beat scene, which encompasses genres such as hip-hop, techno, and jazz. His latest album, You’re Dead, also features guest appearances by rappers like Kendrick Lamar and Herbie Hancock. He visited Japan in August last year to perform at Sonic Mania, where he held a DJ show featuring 3D imagery. There, he also played songs from games and anime like Ghost in the Shell. He particularly likes Cowboy Bebop’s soundtrack and directed the music of Blade Runner Black Out 2022, another Shinichiro Watanabe anime Thundercat is another artist who has co-created several songs with Flying Lotus. He’s also a member of the Brainfeeder label. His real name is Stephen Lee Bruner, and he was born in 1984 in Los Angeles. Initially, he performed as a bassist for a number of artists, including Suicidal Tendencies, a slash metal band, Erykah Badu, an R&B artist, and Kendrick Lamar, a rapper. Drawing on these experiences, he eventually debuted in 2011 with a hybrid music style. His 2017 album Drunk strengthened his skills as a singer-songwriter and is definitely one of his definitive works. His song “Show You The Way,” featuring Michael McDonald, was just in time for the AOR resurgence and ended up attracting a lot of attention.

Taku Takahashi is a Japanese DJ and music producer. Active from 1998 as m-flo’s track maker, he produced a string of hits following his major debut in 1999. As a music producer, he has worked on tracks for artists like Taichi Mukai, Miliyah Kato, MINMI and more recently, produced Japan original songs for K-pop bands Sexy Group and EXID. He was also in charge of the soundtrack for the anime “Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt” and contributed songs to Shinichiro Watanabe’s anime Space Dandy.

G.Rina (Rina Goodings) is a Japanese female singer, beat maker, and DJ. She debuted in 2003 with a completely self-produced album. Her musical sense encompasses a wide range of dance music, including with disco, soul, and hip hop. While she made her major debut with Victor in 2017, she has continued her own independent activities, including running her own indie label. She’s active in a wide range of fields, from providing music to artists like Asako Toki and Negicco to collaborations with Tofubeats and Chinza Dopeness.

Maika Loubté is a singer-songwriter, track maker, and DJ. Born to a French father and a Japanese mother, she spent her teens in Japan, Paris, and Hong Kong. She began composing music and lyrics when she was 14. After performing with artists like Cornelius, Keiichi Suzuki, and Naruyoshi Kikuchi, she released her first album in 2014. Recording at home with both vintage analog synths and the latest electronic musical instruments, she’s an up-and-coming creator who is extremely talented at producing her own unique worlds. She has also worked on a number of songs for commercials and TV dramas.

Composer Introduction by Osamu Takahashi