Alisa (アリサ) Alisa

1998年9月28日英国生まれ。メルボルン大学の現役大学生。2017年、映画監督堤幸彦氏との出会いにより「SPECサーガ完結篇『SICK'S 恕乃抄』~内閣情報調査室特務事項専従係事件簿~」の主題歌に作詞・作曲そして自演の「walls」が抜擢。現在CS Kids Station「ABCブロッコリ!」にてレギュラー出演中。
・CS Kids Station「ABCブロッコリ!」
Alisa is a young Melbourne University Arts student, who discovered her love of performing at an early age through dance, musical theatre and singing on stage.
Born in England on September 28, 1998, Alisa spent her childhood between the UK, Japan and Australia.
An off-handed comment over dinner by leading Japanese film director Yukihiko Tsutsumi inspired Alisa to try writing her first ever song at the age of 18.
Alisa’s talent in song-writing and singing was highly acclaimed when her song “walls,” which was chosen to be the theme song for the much-anticipated SICK’s drama series, commenced streaming online in Japan in April 2018.
Alisa is also currently the bright and bubbly host of Kids Station’s “ABC Broccoli!”, an educational programme aimed at teaching English to young Japanese children.
・For Shirlz